- DMR The Human Condition https://tinyurl.com/naao3g #
- DMR Get your orders in… https://tinyurl.com/lx9utt #
- DMR All of the Voices in My Head (getting organized) https://tinyurl.com/lxjbqp #
- DMR Update on the Blog look etc https://tinyurl.com/lt4zzc #
- https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/155073.php #
- DMR Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-06-21 https://tinyurl.com/m7le7j #
Tag Archives: Twitter
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-06-21
- Use Goodreads? https://bit.ly/12Z88n #
- https://bit.ly/Xczbf #
- Let's that that again: https://blog.higherthings.org/wcwirla/article/4215.html #
- DMR Why Pastors Hide Their Depression https://tinyurl.com/muha9z #
- Do you think that there would be interest in a podcast on depression and mental illness from a Lutheran perspective? Tell me! #
- Just had a great conversation with a pastor who has written a book of devotions for pastors suffering from anxiety. #
- DMR Study Refutes Depression Gene Finding – Yahoo! News https://tinyurl.com/m2lmof #
- DMR Two Sites on Facebook for you https://tinyurl.com/knkk8n #
- https://bit.ly/IhaSz
/pages/Kenosha-WI/I-Trust-When-Dark-My-Road-A-Lutheran-View-of-Depression/92431163498?ref=nf # - I'm getting lots of comments about the book. Keep 'em coming! #
- DMR Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-06-14 https://tinyurl.com/mhxw29 #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-06-14
- DMR I Trust When Dark My Road NOW AVAILABLE FREE online https://tinyurl.com/kunoju #
- The book is now available FOR FREE online: https://bit.ly/ySQk2 #
- DMR Why the Church Drives Away the Mentally Ill https://tinyurl.com/llwm4e #
- Just saw the ads for the book going into Logia and Lutheran Forum. Beautiful! #
- So what is new and wonderful in WordPress 2.8? #
- DMR Trying out Technorati https://tinyurl.com/nbb4b6 #
- DMR How to order “I Trust When Dark My Road: A Lutheran View of Depression†https://tinyurl.com/ktk2m5 #
- DMR A&E News – A&E Premieres New Original Nonfiction Series “Obsessed†https://tinyurl.com/nydxwt #
- This looks promising. Anyone seen it? https://www.aetv.com/news/?id=443346 #
- https://bit.ly/rhEB5 #
- Just read the final proof of the book. oh yeah! Going to press! #
- So has anyone seen the announcement of my book yet? #
- DMR Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-06-07 https://tinyurl.com/lfould #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-06-07
- DMR Darkness Is My Only Companion, with thoughts on Bipolar Disorder https://tinyurl.com/rbpjk6 #
- “Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” — Albert Einstein #
- Some mornings getting dressed is a victory… #
- DMR Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-05-31 https://tinyurl.com/nj3bry #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-05-31
- I’m amazed at how much money stresses me out. YEesh…. #
- The sun is shining. God is merciful. #
- DMR How many books would you use? https://tinyurl.com/nhkfer #
- DMR The Book Looms Ever Closer https://tinyurl.com/mpd8yf #
- https://darkmyroad.org/?p=319 #
- What does the suffering parishioner want from their pastor? #
- DMR My general views on exercise… https://tinyurl.com/onltxj #
- Mark 3:21 And when hhis family heard it, they went out to seize him, for they were saying, “He iis out of his mind.†#
- Grrrrrr…. #
- DMR Physical and Mental Illness, and how we treat them differently https://tinyurl.com/odkqls #
- DMR Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-05-24 https://tinyurl.com/o698f6 #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-05-24
- Why do we seem so incapable of cutting suffering people some slack now and then? #
- I have a busy week with a lot of personal face time, meetings and services. Good things, but save me now! #
- DMR Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-05-17 https://tinyurl.com/qweaf7 #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-05-17
- Be at peace. Pray, for your Father hears you and your brother prays with you. #
- DMR The Lines Between Depression Symptoms and Life https://tinyurl.com/qvyqee #
- Gray skies, weeping at me….nothing but gray skies, do I see…. #
- DMR Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-05-10 https://tinyurl.com/pl86pb #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-05-10
- Another Sunday morning. God be with all preachers! #
- DMR The Bright Side of Mental Illness https://tinyurl.com/d25cal #
- DMR incarnatus est: A Journey through Darkness: NY Times Magazine cover story on clinical depression https://tinyurl.com/df25l7 #
- The Bright Side of mental illness: https://darkmyroad.org/?p=301 #
- What do you do when you can’t pray? #
- Don’t feel depressed, just not real motivated. #
- DMR Why do you go on medication, and why/when do you go off of it? https://tinyurl.com/cmylg7 #
- So why do you go on medication, and why do you go off of it? A post on the topic is coming soon… #
- RT @ptmccain:Half price sale on Treasury of Daily Prayer, and lots of endorsements: https://bit.ly/X1MsB #
- DMR Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-05-03 https://tinyurl.com/dhoq9u #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-05-03
- Today I am burdened by the many who suffer. God have mercy! #
- Why can’t I get this sermon written? Grrrrr…. #
- DMR Necessary Therapy https://twurl.nl/jngd34 #
- DMR The mentally ill in our prisons https://tinyurl.com/cbls8n #
- DMR On Rest and Mood https://tinyurl.com/cod6oo #
- Looking for good blogs on depression, mental illness, and Christianity. Any suggestions? #
- Good morning Thursday! #
- this Sunday’s Gospel from John 16 is the Gospel for the Depressed. #
- A little while, friends. In a little while there will be joy. #
- DMR The Cause of Happiness https://tinyurl.com/cxq3hh #
- Reading: “Susan’s Pendulum: Happiness” ( https://tinyurl.com/c6ypzd ) #
- Monday. A good day off to do stuff that has NOTHING to do with the Church. Thank God! #
- DMR Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-04-26 https://tinyurl.com/c27a48 #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-04-26
- Another morning. God be merciful to me, the sinful shepherd! #