
Do you have a story that fits with the book?  Know of a way that DMR has made a difference and brought the light of Christ to bear in these gray and latter days?  Please comment below.  We would love to hear from you.

3 thoughts on “Testimonials”

  1. I wanted to thank you for sharing your experiences in the book. I had an appointment with a therapist this past week to begin what is, apparently, much overdue treatment for depression. Reading about your experiences helped me to realize that what I'm struggling with is not some character flaw but is, in fact, an illness. The general fog, unconsciously avoiding unpleasant things, emotional drain of personal interactions. It had all been part of my life for so long that it was normal to me. Your book helped me see it for what it was. Thank you for helping me identify the problem and for the powerful statement of hope for the future.

  2. I wanted to thank you for sharing your experiences in the book. I had an appointment with a therapist this past week to begin what is, apparently, much overdue treatment for depression. Reading about your experiences helped me to realize that what I'm struggling with is not some character flaw but is, in fact, an illness. The general fog, unconsciously avoiding unpleasant things, emotional drain of personal interactions. It had all been part of my life for so long that it was normal to me. Your book helped me see it for what it was. Thank you for helping me identify the problem and for the powerful statement of hope for the future.

  3. Dear Pastor,
    I am a former Youth & Family Minister (ELCA) and had to leave my position and go on Social Security Disability for depression.
    Thank you for sharing your experience, strength and hope. Your description of depression rings truer than any other account I have read.
    I feel encouraged by your testimony that I too will heal and be able to return to ministry.
    Your book gives me hope!

    Christopher Cleveland

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A Lutheran View of Depression