Heavenly Father,
All of life is in your hands, and you order all things in a wonderful way so that your divine work may be done when and where you please it. Give me the time that you would have so that I may accomplish what you would have me do, to your glory and to the welfare of my neighbor. Forgive me for the time that I squander, and help me to realize that all of life is a gift from you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
[FWIW, I started this post in August. That gives you some idea of how time flies…]
Heavenly Father,
All of life is in your hands, and you order all things in a wonderful way so that your divine work may be done when and where you please it. Give me the time that you would have so that I may accomplish what you would have me do, to your glory and to the welfare of my neighbor. Forgive me for the time that I squander, and help me to realize that all of life is a gift from you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
[FWIW, I started this post in August. That gives you some idea of how time flies…]
Heavenly Father,
All of life is in your hands, and you order all things in a wonderful way so that your divine work may be done when and where you please it. Give me the time that you would have so that I may accomplish what you would have me do, to your glory and to the welfare of my neighbor. Forgive me for the time that I squander, and help me to realize that all of life is a gift from you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
[FWIW, I started this post in August. That gives you some idea of how time flies…]

Time/CNN online recently posted an article on the most depressing day of the year. Apparently a Dr. Cliff Arnall of Cardiff University published a study indicating that the third Monday in January is the most depressing day of the year.
According to Time, the time of year when they monitor the most internet searches for depression is in mid-November. Continue reading Time on "The Most Depressing Day of the Year" →
A Lutheran View of Depression