2 thoughts on “Speaking of Sadness (on seminaryblog.com)”

  1. Your “guess column” article is excellent. (Did you mean to call it that? So readers can “guess” who you are?) That’s cute.

    Maybe we need to be proud to identify with depression……to admit to being a “depressive”. I’ve read depression is connected with creativeness. Like they are two sides of a coin. You can’t have one without some of the other.

    If depressives can stop feeling ashamed of being prone to depression, and latch onto the things in life that for them will balance out the downswing of depression (make use of that creativeness), then the world will eventually view depression in a better light.

    And so good what you said about faith not being dependent on what’s going on in the mind.

  2. Your “guess column” article is excellent. (Did you mean to call it that? So readers can “guess” who you are?) That’s cute.

    Maybe we need to be proud to identify with depression……to admit to being a “depressive”. I’ve read depression is connected with creativeness. Like they are two sides of a coin. You can’t have one without some of the other.

    If depressives can stop feeling ashamed of being prone to depression, and latch onto the things in life that for them will balance out the downswing of depression (make use of that creativeness), then the world will eventually view depression in a better light.

    And so good what you said about faith not being dependent on what’s going on in the mind.

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